Saturday, August 28, 2010

Local for breakfast

Good Morning! 

It is a beautiful Saturday morning and it is Union Sq. market day!  I have Fiori di Nonno's pea and garlic puree mixed with labne and mascarpone burrata on hold and a loaf of Iggy's 7 grain bread with my name on it.   Soon I will hop on my bike and pedal my way down the square to stock up for the week with items that were either picked or made within the last 24 hours.  

First, a hardy breakfast to provide energy and sustenance!  Local is not just for dinner, but finds its way into every meal I prepare.  Breakfast this morning is yummy fresh egg whites (from Wareham, MA not Iowa!!) on top of Iggy's 7 Grain Bread (Cambridge MA) and a yellow tomato (the last of what I bought last week and still fresh!).  Instead of butter or margarine, I drizzled a bit of oil and garlic over the bread and topped it all with a of VT goat cheese.  I paired this with Parker Farm yellow dolly melon and Thatcher's farm milk.  The melon, which I bought unaware of what it was, is less sweet then typical pink watermelon but very tasty and refreshing.   

Thatcher's milk comes in a fun glass bottle that is returned when empty and reused..even better than recycling a carton it returning a glass bottle to get more milk!

This meal will keep me full for the day, which is great since I will be biking around the city completing errands and enjoying the final days of Summer.  

If you are not near Union Sq, no worries there are plenty of markets going on around the state.  Here is a link that will guide you to the one nearest to you:

Stay happy and healthy!


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