Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mushroom and Kale Risotto

Sometimes I have a vision for a dish and I can only hope that it taste as good as my imagination leads me to believe. I have been happily satisfied in this early start to 2011 and last night's dinner continued the trend! 

You know I love those one dish meals and risotto is one of my favorites!  Risotto is the style in which you prepare rice, not the type of rice you use..although arborio has become synonymous with the term.   So, I had this thought of making a risotto without using the typical Arborio, but instead, pearl barley.  Barley is a more hearty grain containing more fiber and iron than any rice. It took a bit longer to cook, but sometimes good things are worth the wait. My favorite addition to a risotto are mushrooms because they add the perfect amount of flavor and texture. Unfortunately, the combination of the barley and mushrooms leaves the dish looking rather brown and boring. What goes well with brown? Green!  In walks the kale. If you add it in at the very end of the cooking process, it maintains the crunch that finishes off the dish perfectly.   

The dish is extremely satisfying and, although it take a while too cook, it is not at all difficult.  

Mushroom and Kale Risotto
2 sm-Shallots  (MA)
2 Tbsp-100% Italian Exra Virgin Olive Oil
1tsp-dried sage (still from the yard!)
1tsp- thyme
1tsp-caraway seed
1 c dry- Pearl Barley
1/2 cup- white wine
7.5 cups of water 
1/2 cup vegetable broth
6-7 med - Crimini Mushrooms, Raw
2 cup chopped-Fresh Kale 
grated cheese (optional)

To start, add the water and vegetable broth to a medium pot and bring to a simmer.  In a small pot, do the same to the wine.  You do not want to shock the barley with cold liquids.

Add 2 tbsp of oil to a large pan.  Saute onions and seasonings on a medium heat.  Once they brown, remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.  Leave the oil behind and add the barley.  Coat with the oil and cook until toasted (5-6 minutes).  Add in wine and seasonings.  Cook over medium heat until wine is absorbed.  Begin ladling in water/broth mixture one ladle at a time.  Continue adding liquid as it is absorbed by the grain.  Stir regularly so that it does not stick.  This took about 40 minutes.  
Just as the grain was a step before al dante, add the mushrooms and continue to let it simmer while adding the liquid.  Before adding the last ladle of liquid, add in kale.  Let it all simmer together until most of the liquid is gone.  At this point you can grate cheese on top if you choose (I did not).  Remove from heat and let sit covered for 2-3 minutes.  

Loved it.    The green really added the color to make this a more visually pleasing well many wonderful nutrients.

Not only was this a terrific dinner, it was a magnificent lunch...even seemed to make eating it over my work computer less painful..

Stay happy and healthy


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