Monday, December 27, 2010

Bacon Mushrooms

The first snow storm of the season and it did not disappoint!  Home from work and really should have had some crazy cooking time, but instead I sat around watching Alice and Wonderland and the Jerk.  I really have no regrets about the movie selections...

When I did finally peel myself off the couch I vetoed eating another round of leftovers and instead went with the "almost local: shiitake mushrooms (from PA) that have been sitting in the fridge and in need of some cooking.  A quick google search for a new recipe and that is how you find bacon mushrooms.  No, there is no real bacon here.  Apparently, when you toss shiitake with 1/4 cup of olive oil and sea salt, then bake them for ~40 minutes they taste like bacon.  I had to try it. How could I not??  You have to really cook them until they are dry and crispy, as shown.

The verdict: there is a hint of bacon flavor, but not really.  They were crispy and salty.  This is really what is reminiscent of the bacon, not so much the taste.  They were really good regardless of not delivering on the bacon flavor.  I tossed them with black beans and onions.  A side  of local steamed broccoli (RI) and some quinoa rounded out the dish.
The best part was that it was not too heavy of a dish.  After all the holiday eating,  I am happy to start detoxing asap!

Stay happy and healthy,

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