Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pizza done two ways..

Tonight I may have proved being a little lazy may lead to a great idea.  I have been staring at the butternut squash I bought from Kimball farm over a week ago and thinking I really need to make squash pizza, but did not get around to it until tonight.  The problem:  I did not think ahead and buy the pizza dough from Iggy's at the Market..already rolled out, makes life way easier.  So I had to make a stop at Trader Joes and pick up their whole wheat dough.  It is a great and cheap product, but a pain to roll out!  As I attempted the rollout tonight I decided to cut it in half and make two pizzas.  Easy to maneuver and gives you the option of a possible different topping.  Dare I try and recreate the amazing potato pizza that I had in Italy?  I do have Market potatoes just sitting there...I went for it.  Why not?  I had a salad for lunch, so a treat of a greenless dinner was in order..

The end result..the squash pizza was amazing, the potato pizza was ehh.  I think it was the dough which was just not right for this type of creation.  I also believe that in Italy they are not light on the oil and salt, which makes for an awesome potato pizza!
I have also made the squash pizza many times and have perfected the recipe.  If you had to choose, go with with squash.

Squash Pizza:
Pizza dough (use your favorite or go nuts and make your own)
1/2 butternut squash (Kimball Farm)
goat cheese (Vermont)
leek or scallion sliced (as much as you like) (Drumlin Farm)
sage (dried or fresh)

This is not an original idea, but one I adapted from a pizza place I use to frequent when I lived on the Fenway.   The squash replaces tomato sauce, so cut it in half, peel it and dice into cubes.  Steam the squash until tender and then mash until creamy puree.   Smooth over dough  covering the whole surface. Add sliced leeks, dollops of goat cheese and sage.   Add as much of the toppings as you like.  I have never in my life said a meal would be better with less goat cheese...so have fun and add what you will..

Potato Pizza
pizza dough
1 potato (Kimball Farm)

Slice the potato very thin (use a mandolin if you have it) and layer onto dough.  Drill oil, salt and rosemary on top.  This will take longer to cook than the squash pizza..


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