Monday, October 25, 2010

Low Fat Vegan Pumpkin Cupcakes

It is rare, but today dessert will make an appearance on Local Lisa's page.  There are a few reasons why you will hardly see desserts on here.  1. The are usually not very healthy and should be reserved for special occasions  2. I will always try to make them healthy and the experiment does not always go as planned  3. I strongly dislike following directions exactly.."don't over mix";  "don't under mix"; "level the flour"..who has time for that nonsense.  I say leave it to the pros.  I rather not know how much sugar and butter go into red velvet cake anyway...

I had today off and with sugar pumpkins starting at me every week at the Farmers Market I figured I would dive into the baking world for local foods' sake.  As stated in reason 2, I did make these healthy and it almost went as planned.  The cupcake very tasty, but my attempt at a vegan frosting went straight into the trash.  I searched far and wide on the web to find a vegan frosting that did not call for toffuti cream cheese or margarin, but it is almost unheard of to not use these ingredients.  Why not use these?  Well, have you read the labels of either of these items?  The second ingredient in toffuti is partially hydrogenated palm oil.  Really?  I think it would be healthier to top the cupcake with a piece of steak.
It is always shocking to see vegetarians or vegans eating these items or things like chik'n or soy cheeze.  You would think by making this life-style one would avoid processed nonfoods that taste like they item they choose to avoid.  Even the recipe which I adapted these cupcakes from called for canned pumpkin.  It did not even say, if it is your only option..nope just use the can.  Clearly not written by someone living in New England in the Fall!

The frosting consisted of tofu (the real stuff), sugar (which I had to buy because I never use it!), maple syrup and cinnamon.  No matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of the tofu after taste.  Adding more flavoring would overpower the cupcake.  The cupcakes are vegan, the frosting does not have to be.  If you are a great baker and can whip up a wonderful frosting, add it  and enjoy.  If I had some Taza chocolate on hand, I may have melted it and put that on top...note for next time!

The cupcake itself is absolutely wonderful.  Surprisingly moist and full of flavor.  There is no way anyone can taste these and know right off they are 100% vegan.   No butter, eggs, milk or is amazing how much you don't need these items!   There is brown sugar, but not white.  The pumpkin not only adds flavor but also fiber, vitamins A and C and potassium.  Low fat, healthy and great tasting.


Cupcake Ingredients: Adapted from
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup while all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground all spice
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 medium sugar pumpkin (steamed, pureed to equal 1 cup) (Kimball's Farm)
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce (4 oz snack size is perfect) (Vermont Organic Village)
1 tsp maple syrup (Whately, MA)
1 cup unsweetened original Almond milk

Preheat oven to 325 degrees

Combine flours, baking power and soda,, sugar, salt and spices in bowl.  In separate bowl, combine pumpkin, applesauce, syrup, and almond milk.  Slowly add liquids to dry ingredients, folding until combined.  Add holders to cupcake trays and fill 3/4 with batter.  Place in over for 20-25 minutes..depending on your oven!


  1. I am definitely going to have to try these. Sounds so yummy and I love a good dessert recipe.

  2. If there is someone that can come up with a frosting it is you Tina!
